when is baby too big for bassinet

When is a Baby Too Big for a Bassinet? According to general opinion, a baby has outgrown their bassinet most likely between four and six months after they leave the newborn stage, or right around that time. What are the signs of the baby being too big for a bassinet? What is a bassinet limit? How to transfer a baby from A to B? Continue reading, you will find the answer you want.

When is Baby Too Big for a Bassinet?

Make sure your infant is small enough to sleep in a bassinet before choosing to start them in one. According to the AAP, infants who weigh more than 10 pounds should sleep in a crib instead of a bassinet. Make sure your bassinet complies with all of the AAP’s safe sleep recommendations if your baby is still too small for one, as these are meant to prevent SIDS in newborns. It’s a good idea to discuss what is best for your baby with your child’s healthcare provider if you are unsure if your crib or bassinet complies with the regulations.

What are the Signs of a Baby Too Big for a Bassinet?

Your baby will eventually outgrow his crib and need to move into a slightly larger space. It’s crucial to look out for the warning signs as a result.

For newborns, bassinets are a fantastic sleeping option, but as your baby grows, it will no longer fit comfortably inside. Here are a few signs that your baby has outgrown their bassinet and is ready for a crib:

They’re Rolling Over

Newborns frequently experience this. If your infant is trying to roll over while they are sleeping, their bassinet is too small for them. When this starts to happen, you should start looking for a crib because it gives your child more room to move around.

It’s crucial to remember that some infants begin rolling over before others. The typical range is four to six months, but for some infants, it may happen earlier while for others it may not.

You can place a rolled-up towel or pillow next to your baby’s chest if you want to be extra cautious. They won’t turn over while they sleep thanks to this. Towels and pillows should not be too thick, as doing so could restrict your baby’s ability to breathe.

They’ve Crossed the Weight Limit

A crucial factor in this situation is the bassinet you’re using. Not all bassinets have the same weight limit or weight capacity. Others can support up to 13 kg, while some may limit the weight to 6 kg. Ensure that the size is correct.

Therefore, if your child has exceeded the weight limit, it’s time to upgrade to a crib or another sleeping environment. Check the weight capacity of your new crib to see if it can accommodate your baby properly. Keep an eye on your child’s weight as well. When they’ve had enough, it’s time to move them to the crib or another sleeping arrangement.

Try searching the manufacturer’s website if you can’t find your instructions.

They’re Getting Taller

The fact that babies outgrow their bassinets earlier than we’d like is only natural given how quickly they develop. Your baby has outgrown the bassinet if their feet are hanging over the edge or their head is touching the top.

You should start looking for a crib at this time because it gives your child more room to move around. A crib with adjustable height settings is a smart purchase as well. You can lower the mattress in this manner as the baby gets taller.

They’re Waking Up Uncomfortable

Your baby may be uncomfortable in their bassinet if you see that they are waking up more frequently than usual. When infants grow too large for their bassinets, this is typically the case. When they move, they might find themselves in a strange position that will wake them up.

If you believe this to be the case, it’s time to start looking for a crib because it gives your child more room to move around.

They’re Moving Around a Lot

Baby doesn’t have enough room in the bassinet if you notice them moving around a lot while they’re sleeping. When that occurs, you ought to start looking for a crib since it gives your child more room to move around.

Remember that some babies move more than others when observing your baby. If you’re unsure of when your baby is moving around excessively, try keeping an eye on them for a few nights. Your baby has outgrown the bassinet if you notice that they are constantly moving and needs more room.

They’re Able to Sit Up Without Support

Your baby will begin sitting up unaided at four to six months old. Consider moving them to a crib as soon as they reach this developmental milestone. This is due to the fact that they will be able to sit up and look over the edge of the bassinet, which is potentially hazardous.

Your child’s ability to learn to sit upright will be supported by a crib. If your infant is beginning to crawl, it’s also a good idea to use a crib. This is because they might be able to escape the bassinet and hurt themselves.

when is baby too big for bassinet

They’re Out of Room

This is arguably the clearest indication that it’s time to transfer your infant from the bassinet to the crib. They need more room to spread out if they appear to be confined in their current sleeping arrangement.

Measuring your baby is a good way to determine if they are no longer suitable for a bassinet. For babies up to 35 inches long, most bassinets are designed. It’s time to start using a crib if your baby is longer than that.

To check if your baby has enough space to move around, you can also try putting your hand inside the bassinet. They require a larger sleeping area if this is the case.

It’s Getting Difficult to Move Around

Babies move all the time, even while they are sleeping. Your baby is too big for the bassinet if it is challenging to get them in and out. This is especially true if you have a young child who requires frequent nighttime feedings.

It’s crucial to transition the infant to a crib before they begin to crawl. It gets even harder to put them in and take them out of the bassinet once they begin to move around.

Your baby is typically ready for a larger space when they start to crawl. However, since every child is unique, proceed with caution in this situation.

They’re Standing Up

When your infant begins to stand up, it’s a sign that they require more room. For infants who are still sleeping on their backs, bassinets are made. Your infant can no longer sleep in a bassinet without risk of injury once they can support themselves on their own.

Before your child starts walking, it’s crucial to switch to a crib. It is even more challenging to put them in and take them out of a bassinet once they begin to move around.

It’s time to move your child to a crib if you notice any of these symptoms. Your baby will have more room to stretch out and move around in a crib. A crib with adjustable height settings is a smart purchase as well. So, as your child grows taller, you can lower the mattress.

How to Do When Baby is Too Big for Bassinets?

Starting with the bassinet’s included mattress is a good idea. You can purchase a foam topper to increase its size if it is too small.

Put pillows around the bassinet if your baby is rolling over so they can’t fall out.

It’s time to switch to a crib once the infant begins to sit up. The crib mattress can be purchased in the same store as the bassinet mattress.

What is a Bassinet Weight Limit?

Each manufacturer has specifications for the ideal weight that a bassinet should support, but generally speaking, they all align with the AAP’s recommendation of a maximum weight of 10 pounds for infants using bassinets. When in doubt, it’s always best to ask your pediatrician for advice about the safest place for your baby to sleep. A few do permit babies up to 15 pounds.

When you do decide to remove your baby from the bassinet, make sure to create the safest possible sleeping environment for them. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that until they turn one, your baby should sleep on their back on a firm surface without any pillows, soft bedding, or toys nearby.

You’ll quickly discover as a parent that baby gear and gadgets are quickly outgrown, and a bassinet is no exception. You’ll be able to gauge when to move your baby to a more accommodating sleeping area by keeping an eye on your baby’s size, weight, and mobility.

How To Transition Baby from a Bassinet to a Crib?

  • Ensure that the crib you intend to use is solid and free of missing or lose parts.
  • Pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and other items should be taken out of the crib to make it a safe place for a baby to sleep.
  • Your baby’s chest should be level with the crib mattress when you position the crib.
  • In the middle of the crib, lay your infant on their back.
  • Use a flat, firm mattress that fits the crib tightly.
  • Make sure your baby’s head is not too close to the crib’s bars.
  • While your baby is sleeping in the middle of the night, keep an eye on them, and make regular daytime checks as well.
  • Never let your child play alone in the crib. Always be available if they need you.
  • In the same space as before, make the baby’s bed.

A baby has outgrown its bassinet most likely between four and six months after they leave the newborn stage, or right around that time. There are nine signs showing your baby is too big for a bassinet. You should start to transfer your baby to another safe place to sleep as guided above.

FAQ About Baby Bassinet

What Types of Bassinets Are Out There?

Bassinets come in a variety of styles, from conventional to contemporary. Traditional bassinets are typically made of wood or wicker and have a straightforward, rectangular shape. Modern bassinets are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and features.

Even some bassinets have built-in rocking or vibrating features to calm the baby. Consult your pediatrician or a child development expert if you’re unsure of the type of bassinet that’s best for you and your baby.

Can Baby Sleep in Bassinet If Rolling Over?

Bassinets are not a safe sleep surface once your baby begins to roll over while they are asleep.

Because the bassinet is lightweight and there is a chance that a rolling baby could topple it over, bassinets are not intended for use by babies who can roll.

Not all bassinets have mesh or breathable siding, as well. To prevent your baby from rolling and getting themselves into a breathing-difficulty position, you must take certain precautions.

A crib should be used instead of a bassinet if your child is old enough to pull themselves up or sit up.

Cribs can be lowered to keep your baby at a safe height to lower the risk of injury from falls and have higher walls, safety-rated sturdy materials, and sturdy construction.

At What Weight Do You Stop Using a Bassinet?

The average weight limit for a bassinet is 6 kg, but only a few manufacturers offer a 13 kg limit. Therefore, it is best to check the weight limit of your bassinet and stop using it once the baby has reached it. Although using it is a matter of personal preference, it is best to stop for the safety of the child.

Can a Baby Sleep in Bassinet If Rolling Over?

Yes, a baby can sleep in a bassinet while rolling over. This is due to a few factors. First, bassinets are typically made with sturdy sides that will support the baby and prevent rolling out. Additionally, the majority of bassinets include a mattress or bedding that is firm enough to support the baby even if she rolls over. Finally, some bassinets have an adjustable bottom so you can make it shallower if necessary to further stop the baby from rolling out.

Developmental Milestones That Make Bassinets Unsafe

There are weight restrictions on bassinets for a good reason: if your baby exceeds the limit, the bassinet may topple over.

However, there are a few more things to keep an eye out for to make sure you stop using the bassinet before it becomes harmful to your baby.

For instance, your infant should be able to stretch out fully in the bassinet without their head or feet touching the top or bottom edges. Make the switch to a crib with more space before your baby grows too tall for its bassinet.