Not To Kiss Baby

Infants typically receive enough kisses from their loved ones, which is a common way to show them how much they are loved.

Infants shouldn’t be kissed, despite how difficult it may seem to restrain yourself.

The resistant framework of your child, who is not yet accustomed to battling illnesses, may find this to be extremely taxing.

​​Most parents frequently wonder when it is safe to kiss a baby and whether they should let their family kiss their infant. If your mother-in-law is kissing your child repeatedly and you are uncomfortable with it for other reasons, don’t allow anyone to kiss your child. The best advice on how to request that grandma stop kissing your child is provided in this article.

Furthermore, the demonstration itself might spread germs and microscopic organisms to your child, potentially causing a variety of diseases.

It leaves your child genuinely defenseless, and getting sick at this point could potentially be fatal. It spreads through contaminated droplets from an individual who has a cold or flu, even a new one, and can make your child’s breathing difficult while also having an impact on their brain and heart. Kissing can also expose your child to mouth blisters around the mouth and hypersensitive reactions to lipstick, scents, or even cleansers.

Grandparents, especially grandmothers, spend a great deal of time holding and kissing their grandchildren.

Here’s how to tell grandma to stop kissing your baby even though your request for them not to may seem a little strange to them.

Why is it not appropriate to kiss a baby?

How can I prevent Grandma from kissing my child? Most people don’t mind sharing a kiss with someone who is older than they are. You can acknowledge that you are your grandmother’s granddaughter by kissing her on the forehead or on the cheeks. Grandma’s hugs and kisses are acceptable. However, kissing your infant is not permitted. Never kiss your baby on the lips.

Your baby might get hurt if you kiss him. You risk hurting your baby if you don’t know how to kiss them properly. It’s okay to kiss babies, just not on the lips. You should also refrain from putting your hands or lips anywhere near a baby. It may hurt them.

Babies should be treated with the utmost respect. Never make physical contact with your baby’s lips. You should only kiss them on the cheeks instead. Never give your child a kiss on the mouth. Your baby could suffer from this. Your child could become ill if you kiss their lips.

Giving your infant a lip kiss could make them susceptible to a cold. Therefore, it is not advisable to kiss infants. It’s crucial to understand how to kiss your baby properly. You can watch videos online to learn the proper way to kiss a baby. This will assist you in learning how to kiss a baby properly. This will teach you how to kiss a baby the right way.

How To Tell Grandma No To Kiss My Baby

1. Go With Facts

When you are considering telling your grandmother not to kiss your child, stick to medical facts while also demonstrating to her how her actions will keep your child healthy over time.

Tell them that this is only temporary until your child is a little older and their resistant framework has a stronger foundation. Before they can kiss your child securely, they simply need to wait a few months.

Adhere to the clinical realities and disclose to them how kissing can make your child ill. Even your child’s primary care physician (PCP) can be involved if you want; they will want to further explain all of the dangers implied.

2. Ask Politely

Make sure the grandparents of your baby are aware that it is not a familiar place when you ask them not to kiss the child. They are less likely to be careless or to lose their attention to the child as a result. Certain infections, such as the herpes virus, are possible for them to contract without realizing it. Many people who have mouth blisters are contagious before the sore even appears.

They might be angry at first, but they will likely understand your point of view if you ask them in a loving and kind way. They’ll realize it’s not close to home once you explain the risks involved and let them know that you have a uniform policy for everyone.

3. Let’s Say You’re Taking Your Doctor’s Advice.

stubborn family members to listen to you can be overwhelming and unnecessarily stressful, but invoking the word of your doctor can make it easier for your family to acclimate to the new rule—which makes it easier on you.

4. Enlighten Them With Materials

In case you’re stressed over your grandparents or parents-in-law getting irritated, show them the materials so they know you’re not simply going overboard

Giving them some reading material will help if they continue to think you are going too far. Many articles with support from experts and other specialists are available online.

5. Discuss With Them

Given the risks involved in kissing a child, it is very understandable if you want to keep people as far away from your child as you can.

Grandmothers especially need to hold and kiss them constantly because grandparents are special.

You should talk to the grandparents about this as soon as possible, ideally before the conception of your child. It will provide an opportunity for you to discuss additional rules for your household, such as how to handle a child who is ill or recovering. It will also give them enough time to discuss everything with you, ask questions, and come to an agreement before your baby is born.

Grandma Not To Kiss Baby

6. Do Not Become Defensive

Maintaining composure, prevent the situation from getting worse. They might think you’re overreacting, and they might even tell you that. You are in control, so keep that in mind. You have the final say when it comes to your child’s wellbeing, whether or not your family and friends concur with you.

7. Hold Your Ground If Anyone Resists Your Rule

Be stern with Grandma if she disobeys your rules or pushes too hard. Though she might feel hurt and let down by your choice, your baby’s grandmother must still respect it. If she responds negatively or ignores you, telling her she cannot see the baby until she respects your wishes may emphasize the seriousness of your rule

8. Set Standards For When They Are Sick

Even something as simple as the cold can have a serious impact on a baby. Inform them that they should check themselves before coming and that they should wait to come until they are healthy if they have any symptoms at all.

It’s still important for your child’s grandparents to refrain from kissing them when they are conceived, even if they are feeling great. Whatever the case, you might also need to establish some guidelines for when they’re incapacitated. If they become ill, they ought to wait to see the child until they recover.

9. Give Your Infant’s Health Top Priority

Tell everyone that their feelings are secondary to the well-being of the infant. Some of your friends or family may find this news disheartening, and as a result, they might put their own resentment over the baby’s welfare before his or her own. Remind them that there is a good reason for the rule and that they should put the baby’s well-being ahead of their own feelings.

Can You Ask The Grandparents Not To Kiss Your Child?

You might be unsure of how to approach the grandparents of your child in this conversation. Explaining the possible dangers is the best way to ask them not to kiss the baby. They may not be aware of all the dangers because they are only trying to kiss your child out of love and adoration. To avoid unnecessary conflict, it’s important to be firm and to have this conversation before the baby is born.