how to sober up from weed

According to Leafly, the average marijuana high only lasts up to two hours at its most intense. It’s common to feel sleepy or groggy for hours after ingesting edibles because their effects can last for much longer.

Like with alcohol, you must wait until your body has processed the THC in order to truly become sober from marijuana.

How Will I Know If I’m Too High?

You might get too high if you smoke too much marijuana or if the strain you’re using is much stronger than you’re used to. When you are too high, you’ll discover that the unpleasant feelings far outweigh the typical mood and emotions that cannabis produces.

Some distressing effects of being high include:

  • Anxiety, panic, and paranoia
  • Impaired judgment and coordination
  • Fear and distrust
  • Hallucinations are where you see, hear or feel things that are not really there
  • Delusions where you think things that are not true
  • Feeling like you are going crazy or do not recognize yourself

When you only use marijuana, these undesirable marijuana side effects might manifest. But mixing marijuana with other drugs, such as alcohol or opioids, can alter the effects. Mixing substances can result in more dangerous outcomes and should be avoided whenever possible.

How to Sober Up from Weed?

The euphoric effects of the drug can be reproduced using cannabis. However, there are times when you might want to stop feeling high and stop being high.

Here are eight strategies to help you sober up responsibly.

Give It Time

If you try to force yourself to come down the drug, there may not be a secret formula for doing so quickly; instead, you’ll only end up feeling more stressed, anxious, and frustrated. The best strategy is to give it time rather than struggle against yourself.

All highs eventually come to an end. Remembering that you won’t be stuck in a bad high forever is extremely helpful.

Within three hours after cannabis inhalation, you should feel more normal. If you’ve consumed a cannabis beverage or edible, the effects will peak in 2 to 3 hours, but you can anticipate feeling very disoriented for 6 to 10 hours after.

Watch Your Dose and Potency

One of the best ways to prevent getting too high is to avoid getting high in the first place. High doses and high potency of cannabis really increase your risk of unpleasant effects. Start by assessing how much and how potent of a strain of marijuana you are smoking. Start out cautiously if you are unsure.

When using products that you have legally purchased, look for those with a lower THC content (at least 10%). For a better understanding of the effects, take one hit or puff and wait 15 minutes before taking another.

how to sober up from weed

For edibles, the same is true. Keep your cool and wait for these products to finish before adding more food or liquids because they take a little longer to show results. Follow the dosage instructions for the products you intend to use, and only use a few milligrams of THC to feel the effects.

Stay Calm and Use Relaxation

You might want the high to end as soon as possible if you are experiencing unpleasant side effects from cannabis use, such as paranoia, anxiety, or panic so that the uncomfortable symptoms can go away. Even though it might not be possible to end the high quickly, remaining composed and practicing relaxation techniques can help to lessen the negative effects.

There are countless relaxation methods, so try out a few that seem to fit your needs and provide the kind of stress relief you’re looking for. Consider spending some time gaining experience with your relaxation techniques before you need them because they work best after some practice.

Drink Water, But Avoid Coffee and Beer

You might reach for a cup of coffee to increase your alertness when you need to quickly recover from drinking alcohol. And you might reach for a coffee or a beer when you need to recover from using marijuana. However, drinking coffee or alcohol while intoxicated may not be the best idea.

The amount of THC in your bloodstream may increase as a result of drinking alcohol, which would only intensify the high. Caffeine might also not be helpful. Grab a bottle of water instead to stay hydrated and give your body time to eliminate the weed from your system.

Find a Distraction

The high needs to subside over time, but if all you think about are the symptoms and negative effects of cannabis use, you might feel even worse. You should seek out a diversion instead.

There are countless different types of distractions, so explore your options. Consider:

  • Listening to music
  • Chatting with a friend
  • Watching a favorite movie, show, or documentary
  • Taking a walk

Avoid Other Substance Use and Folk Remedies

Other drugs might not aid in your sobriety as much as you’d like, just like alcohol. You might think that a stimulating drug like cocaine or prescription stimulants used to treat ADHD could help if you are feeling overly sleepy and lethargic, but you should avoid adding new drugs to your system.

Drugs like cocaine and meth can on their own induce hallucinations and delusional thinking. The possibility of paranoia rises if cannabis is mixed with them.

Along these lines, stay away from any and all home cures for waking up quickly. The effectiveness of remedies like black pepper and lemon water in easing the symptoms of cannabis intoxication has not been established.

Use a Safety Plan

You might find that having a safety plan is helpful if you frequently need to sober up. Your sober safety plan can outline:

  • The problems you experienced during the last unwanted high
  • What helped
  • What Didn’t
  • What caused the problems in the first place
how to sober up from weed

Because maintaining composure in the midst of a stressful or unexpected situation is so difficult, these safety plans are beneficial. Create your safety plan while you are sober and let your friends know about it so they will know what to do when you need to sober up quickly.

8. Seek Out Professional Assistance

People occasionally experience terrifying side effects from cannabis, and they may need medical attention to treat symptoms and aid in sobriety. The care provided in the emergency room can be helpful if you or a loved one is ever extremely agitated, panicking, or acting strangely.

Activated charcoal can be given to you by emergency room staff if the high is caused by edibles, and they can also assist you in making yourself sick. Staff may prescribe a sedative if you are acting aggressively, are confused, or are extremely anxious in order to keep you calm and secure while the high lasts.

What Are the Typical Results of Getting High?

The typical effects of cannabis intoxication are typically positive and desirable. However, the results will vary depending on how much you use and how potent the marijuana is. It is always possible that your next high will feel different, even if you have experienced intoxication before.

The most common signs and symptoms of cannabis intoxication include:

  • Feeling really happy
  • Feeling very relaxed and calm
  • Increased hunger
  • Changed perception of time by feeling that time is going very slowly or very quickly
  • Enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, or touch

However, none of these desired outcomes are assured. Like many other drugs, cannabis can tip the scales so that its negative effects outweigh its positive ones if it is used excessively or in a potent enough concentration. You run the risk of using too much marijuana and experiencing the unfavorable effects of cannabis.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your System?

When you start using cannabis, you may ask questions like “What is the duration of a marijuana high?” and “How long does it take to get over a marijuana high?” These are significant inquiries to make. However, the solutions largely depend on how you use the drug, how potent it is, and how THC is typically processed by your body.

A high from marijuana smoking can last for one to three hours and begin almost immediately. The high feeling is delayed if you ingest or drink marijuana. After eating, you might not feel buzzed for up to 2 hours, and the high will last for many.

If you use cannabis frequently, the side effects may not disappear from your body for several weeks.

Does Taking a Shower Take Away Your High?

As for the effects of showering on your high, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that it makes a difference. So, you don’t have to worry about taking a shower right after smoking if you want to get the most out of your high.

How Long Will It Take to Sober Up?

Approximately one unit of alcohol can be broken down by a typical liver every hour. This means that if you drink 12 units, it’ll take you roughly 12 hours to fully sober up. People never begin drinking with the intention of becoming alcoholics.


After consuming excessive cannabis, there is no real quick way to come. The effects must simply fade away over time. There are numerous methods you can employ to improve your comfort level while you wait it out, though.