fiddle leaf fig fertilizer

Fiddle-leaf figs are planted in many families. This plant’s attractive saucer-shaped leaves have special dietary needs to keep them in vivacious, statuesque condition. To care for this plant well, fiddle leaf fig fertilizer is necessary.

The Ideal Fertilizer

In subtropical and tropical gardens, fiddle leaf figs are a common ornamental tree. They serve as a striking focal point for any home thanks to their distinctive, banjo-like leaves, which can get up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. They also have leathery leaves with noticeable veins. They have won the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society and are well-liked among interior designers.

They need fiddle leaf fig fertilizer with high nitrogen content in order to support the growth of their thick, emerald-green foliage. With an NPK ratio of 3-1-2, they grow most robustly.

Two main factors typically determine a plant’s product quality. NPK ratio is the first consideration, followed by ingredient quality. In the end, a quality product will encourage proper root development while also assisting in your tree’s growth.

Selecting Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fiddle leaf fig fertilizer! Fiddle leaf figs are no different than other plants in that they require various nutrients in varying amounts. It’s critical to choose a fertilizer that is suitable for your fiddle leaf fig tree in order to prevent it from developing an excess of some nutrients and a deficiency in others.

N-P-K Ratio

The N-P-K ratio, or the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a fiddle leaf fig fertilizer, is one of the most crucial aspects to take into account when looking for the best fertilizer for fiddle leaf figs. The major minerals that support plant growth and function are listed above, but different plant species require varying amounts of each. Although in much smaller quantities, fertilizers may also contain minerals like copper, calcium, sulfur, boron, and chlorine.

Fertilizer with a 3-1-2 N-P-K ratio, or 3% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 2% potassium, is the most effective for growing fiddle leaf figs. Any fertilizer you are considering should have these numbers prominently displayed on the package, so look out for them!

The best fertilizer for your fiddle leaf fig’s long-term health is 3-1-2, though a well-balanced 1-1-1 fertilizer can also be used in a pinch.

Liquid Vs. Granules

Fertilizer typically comes in two different forms: the liquid that you add to the water of your plant and pellets or granules that slowly swell up in the soil.

Each has advantages and disadvantages, of course. We find that it’s challenging to control exactly how many nutrients your plant is getting because the rate at which the pellets dissolve can be unpredictable. The slow-release granules are meant to be used less frequently, which can make it easier to remember when to fertilize.

Although it requires more frequent use and frequently follows a more complicated schedule than every six months, liquid fertilizer is typically easier to manage.

I favor using liquid fertilizer. I made Fiddle Leaf Fig Food, a liquid fiddle leaf fig fertilizer made especially for fiddles that are gentle enough to use every time you water because I kept forgetting to fertilize my plants. As a result, I now simply add a small amount to my watering can every time I water my fiddle because it has become a habit. All of my instruments are gorgeous!

Slow-release pellets are just too simple to mess up with unless you really know what you’re doing, so we always advise using liquid fertilizer. Furthermore, you should NEVER mix liquid and pellet fertilizers because doing so will quickly lead to overfertilization and chemical burn on your fiddle’s roots.

Soil PH

For a brief moment, let’s discuss soil pH because it has an effect on both the health of your tree as a whole and your fertilization efforts.

When the soil has a specific pH level, plants can grow and function at their best. This is important because the pH of the soil influences how effectively roots can absorb water and nutrients. This means that even if you regularly use the ideal fertilizer, your plant may end up being over or under-fertilized due to malabsorption if the pH isn’t ideal.

Particularly fiddle leaf figs prefer a pH of 6-7, which is a relatively neutral range. On the package of some potting mixes, the pH level is listed, but this is not the case for many. Before using a potting medium on a plant, we find that it is wise to test the pH level of the medium. We adore this versatile soil meter that measures pH, light, and moisture (all of which are incredibly useful). Give it a try!

We also highly recommend our Premium Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil, which is the ideal pH for fiddles, if you don’t want to fiddle with meters and labels. Additionally, it offers the perfect amount of drainage and water retention to prevent over- or underwatering, and it is also very nourishing! Your fiddle will have an abundance of nutrients right away, so it will be off to a great, healthy start in its new soil, even before you start using fertilizer.

The Best Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer

In order to grow FLFs, try to find a fiddle leaf fig fertilizer with an NPK ratio (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium) that is as close to 3:1:2 as you can. For an FLF’s requirements, this ratio works best. Additionally beneficial fertilizers are those with an NPK ratio of 9:3:6; this is the same ratio, just in a different concentration. The fertilizer’s concentration ought to be indicated in the usage instructions on the bottle.

As an alternative, take a look at this Botanicare GROW Fertilizer, which already has the ideal ratio needed for your FLF’s requirements! Additionally intended for lush, leafy growth. I like it because not only does it have the correct NPK ratio, but it also contains all 17 micronutrients that Fiddle Leaf Figs require. Depending on how much you need, a variety of bottle sizes are offered.

Please take note that the fertilizer mentioned above might not be accessible to you if you live outside of the United States. The NPK formula is useful in this situation. Find a recommended fertilizer that has an NPK ratio that is as close to 9:3:6 as possible by searching your neighborhood (or asking at the neighborhood nursery)! One that works well is called Nitrosol and is available at Bunnings in Australia.

Fertilizing Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees: How and When

Let’s talk about how to fertilize your plant now that you understand why fiddles require fertilizer and what kind you should use.

To avoid giving your plant too much or too little fertilizer, it’s important to know how and when to fertilize. Both have repercussions! Here’s how to fertilize your fiddle leaf fig properly to ensure that it receives the ideal ratio of nutrients for optimum health and development.

When to Use Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer

If you’re using Fiddle Leaf Fig Food, you should fertilize your plant every time you water, except in the winter. (Be sure to adhere to the label instructions for other fertilizers!) The length of the winter months (which varies depending on where you live) is when the plant rests and goes dormant. It won’t require additional nutrients because it’s not actively growing.

Fiddle leaf fig plants will hibernate for a longer period if you live somewhere with harsh winters and short days. However, in regions with mild winters, your plant might only go dormant for a month or two before starting to grow again.

Restart fertilizing your plant every time you water it with diluted plant food as soon as the days start to grow longer and you notice signs of new growth. When it begins to grow once more, it will value the additional nutrition boost and repay you with a lot of large, lovely leaves as well as increased height!

How to Use Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer

Follow the instructions on the bottle to ensure proper use because every fiddle leaf fig fertilizer will be a little bit different! (It’s true, even though we keep saying it. Don’t just slather your plant with fertilizer and expect good results!) Granules and liquid fertilizers both have recommended doses that should be mixed into the water that your plant is growing in.

For every cup of water, we advise adding 1 teaspoon of Fiddle Leaf Fig Food. That’s all there is to it, whether you water your fiddle leaf fig from the top or the bottom. (Simply add 1 teaspoon for every cup of water in your container when you bottom water.)

Are You Starving Your Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Our plant food, which is made especially for fiddle leaf figs, will help your plants get the best care and lead them to a longer, more attractive life. To be absolutely certain that your fiddle is receiving the proper amount of fertilizer, it’s also a good idea to double-check your measurements. Being cautious is a must. Experience has taught us this.

Now, do you know more about fiddle leaf fig fertilizer and how to use it?

Fiddle Leaf Fig Fertilizer FAQs

Fertilizing a fiddle leaf fig can be confusing, and you probably have questions.

Fortunately, we have solutions!

Can I plant fiddle leaf figs in Miracle-Gro?

One of the most well-known brands of gardening supplies is Miracle-Gro, but the caliber of these items can vary. (If you’re a member of our Facebook group for fiddle leaf fig care, you’re already aware of how some people feel about Miracle-Gro potting soil.)

Miracle-Gro fertilizer can be effective, in our opinion.

Choose a fertilizer from the variety produced by Miracle-Gro and follow the instructions to ensure that the N-P-K ratio is 3-1-2. Once more, liquid fertilizers are probably your best option since you can more easily regulate how much your plant receives.

To be safe, we also advise fertilizing lightly with a new fertilizer and monitoring how your plant responds. Overfertilization is more difficult to correct than under-fertilization.

Do fiddle-leaf figs like coffee grounds?

This is a frequently asked question, along with inquiries about eggshells, banana peels, and other materials.). Our response is that if you use coffee grounds sparingly or if you compost them, a fiddle leaf fig may benefit. However, dumping sites directly into the soil of your fiddle can make it too acidic, which can harm the roots by burning them with chemicals and impair their ability to absorb nutrients.

Generally speaking, adding too much of one element to the soil can affect the pH and nutrient content, so it’s best to diversify with a balanced fertilizer or a rich compost mix.

My fiddle leaf fig received too much fertilizer. How do I fix it?

Fortunately, overfertilization need not result in your fiddle’s demise.

First, if you see a white crust on top of the potting soil surrounding your fiddle, use a spoon or trowel to remove it. That is mineral buildup from the fertilizer, and watering can cause it to dissipate into the soil. You don’t want that!

The soil should then be leached. Your pot and soil NEED to drain well to accomplish this. If required, aerate the soil a little with a chopstick or dowel.

After that, put your pot somewhere it can drain, like outside or in a bathtub, and slowly fill it up with water from the top while letting the water drain out the bottom. Continue adding water and letting it drain three or four times. By doing so, extra minerals will be drained out of the soil and flushed.