
We sometimes look in the mirror and find chicken skin under eyes. What is the cause of this? How to get rid of it? Or how to remove it? This article will introduce chicken skin under eyes.

What Is Chicken Skin Under Eyes?

Chicken skin under eyes is a term used to describe areas of small, hard bumps that resemble the skin of a plucked chicken.

Although these bumps are benign, they can cause your skin to feel dry and scratchy, like sandpaper. Additionally, they appear rather unattractive, particularly if they appear on the face.

This article will go over the specifics of this condition and its management.

People of all ages and genders can develop chicken skin, but children are more likely to do so. At some point during their childhood, nearly half of the pediatric population experiences this condition.

The majority of the time, these bumps are harmless, though it’s important to see a doctor if any skin growth persists.

What Are Typical Causes Of Chicken Skin Under Eyes?

The following are some of the most typical reasons why chicken skin under eyes.


Milia are small, harmlessTrusted Source white cysts. They appear as a result of the skin protein keratin becoming entrapped beneath the skin. Small white bumps result from this.

Milia frequently occur in rows and can appear flat or similar to small whiteheads.

Some other indicators of milia include:

  • very small white or skin-colored bumps
  • bumps that are slightly swollen
  • pointy bumps

The risk of skin infection or damage is increased when milia are popped. The majority of milia resolve on their own, and they hardly ever point to a serious medical issue.

However, in some instances, milia may develop as a result of a chicken skin under eyes injury or after taking a new medication.


Syringomas can result in chicken skin under eyes. The benign growth known as a syringoma occurs in the sweat gland. These can be white, yellow, skin tone, pink, or brown, and they frequently appear in groups under the eyes or on the cheeks.

Normal syringomas don’t hurt. In contrast to men, women are more likely to have them. They occasionally become larger or form large clusters, but other than that, they are benign.

Some other indicators of syringomas include:

  • small, fleshy growths under the eyes
  • growths that are flat
  • growths that are irregularly shaped
  • growths that appear in groups

Anywhere on the body, syringomas can manifest. For instance, some people report seeing them close to their genitalia.


A stye is an inflamed, uncomfortable bump that resembles a pimple. These appear after infection of a hair follicle.

Styes frequently cause a pimple-like mass with a head on the outside of the eyelid. They can also grow deep within the eyelid, which could result in swelling. As a result, chicken skin under eyes appears.

Chicken Skin Under Eyes

What Causes Chicken Skin Under Eyes?

Excess keratin accumulates inside skin pores, resulting in chicken skin under eyes. The outermost layer of the skin contains specialized cells called keratinocytes that produce keratin, a type of structural filament-forming protein.

Keratin is less likely to tear or sustain damage than other skin cells because it does not degrade as quickly. The body uses it to strengthen the skin barrier and make hair and nails.

However, excessive keratin production can cause it to build up and harden inside hair follicles, resulting in bumps on the skin’s surface. This also occurs if your skin is unable to regenerate itself properly.

To make room for new skin cells, the skin continuously sheds the dead cells accumulated on the outermost layers. The entire topmost layer of skin is gradually replaced by new skin during this process. However, any pause or obstruction in the natural renewal of the skin can cause a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface and within the pores.

What Signs And Symptoms Of Chicken Skin Under Eyes?

Any area of the body with hair follicles may develop patches of skin with tiny bumps, known as chicken skin under eyes.

Though less frequent, this condition can also affect the face. It primarily affects the upper arms, front of the thighs, and hips. Children frequently get it on their cheeks or under their eyes.

The bumpy patches can be described as follows:

  • Have a rough and dry texture
  • Can be skin-colored, white, red, pink, or purplish (on lighter complexion), and brownish-black (on deeper skin tones)
  • Look like goosebumps, small warts, or pimples
  • Become more prominent during dry weather, especially in winter
  • May itch
  • Are painless

How To Remove Chicken Skin Under Eyes

Here are a few skin care tips to heal chicken skin under eyes faster and better.

For best results, combine retinoids with vitamin E and moisturizer when using them to encourage cell turnover. It’s critical to use retinoids in conjunction with a moisturizing moisturizer because they can cause your skin to become even drier. Additionally, vitamin E can speed up the skin’s overall healing process and cell turnover.

Avoid rubbing, squeezing, or picking at the bumps because doing so could rip your delicate under-eye skin, cause scarring, or lead to an infection.

The majority of chicken skin under eyes problems are cosmetic rather than health-related, and they typically go away on their own with time.